A short history of the work SHA does,
representing your product at the various
international trade shows and
client meetings

2023 / 2024 MAY: ATE Gold Coast host Tourism Australia SEP: Korea and China wholesaler sales calls, Seoul, Shanghai, Beijing hosted by Sydney Hotels and Attractions UPCOMING 2024 MAR: Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam wholesaler sales calls hosted by Sydney Hotels and Attractions JUN: ATE Melbourne hosted by Tourism Australia SEP: TA Marketplace - Japan, Korea hosted by Tourism Australia

2022 FEB: Tourism Australia International ‘Re-open’ Conference hosted by Tourism Australia APR: TA JAPAN Aussie specialist presentation hosted by TA Japan MAY: ATE Sydney hosted by Tourism Australia MAY: ATE Virtual Asia / UK / Europe hosted by Tourism Australia SEP: TA Marketplace Japan and Korea hosted by Tourism Australia OCT: Wholesaler meetings Japan and Korea hosted by Sydney Hotels and Attractions

2021 JAN:  DNSW Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia Live video, 224 agents watch JAN: TA - DNSW Japan 2021, 2 Days online meetings 38 wholesalers meetings  FEB:  Lunar New Year: DJB hosts China key agents dinner Sydney - 11 agents VVIP Attend MAR: Tourism Australia: Destination Australia Conference Sydney MAR: India 4 sessions online, India Market training and update MAY: ATE Sydney hosted by Tourism Australia MAY: ATE Virtual Asia / Europe hosted by Tourism Australia

2020 JAN: Melb ITO and Hotel meetings JAN:  Bushfire devastate Inbound market FEB:  CV19 breaks out globally from its China source MAR: International lockdown due to CV19 APR: Tourism Australia -Update on China Workshop APR: Tourism Australia - Update on Korea APR: DJB starts production on new destination and attraction training views-launched by TA for ASP Training globally MAY: Tourism Australia -Update on SE Asia MAY: DNSW Roundtable meeting on direction of tourism MAY: Australian Tourism Exchange Melb- Cancelled MAY: DNSW update on India MAY: DNSW Webinar, new digital trends, the new market JUN: DNSW Food and Wine virtual webinar -China Hong Kong and Taiwan JUN: Phoenix TV interview - Live to China and Taiwan JUL:  DNSW SE Asia Virtual training - 127 agents JUL:  Japan leading day tour company overnight Jervis Bay training JUL:  TA Greater China webinar: 285 agents watched AUG: TA SE Asia Webinar: 246 agents watched AUG: TA Japan and Korea Webinar AUG: Further destination video production for the Japanese market SEP:  3 Day virtual Japan Online wholesalers meetings - 58 agencies met SEP:  DNSW New Zealand live webinar: 195 agents attend SEP:  4 DAY Sydney ITO meetings all markets OCT: Tourism Australia China Virtual online 2 days - 43 virtual wholesaler meetings OCT: Tourism Australia, NSW Korea virtual online - 68 agents attend NOV: Australia Marketplace Online - 3 days virtual UK/Europe meetings  28 meeting total NOV: Business Events Virtual online MICE meetings Greater China NOV: DNSW New Zealand agents update - 147 agents watch DEC: TA China Marketplace 2021 online - 46 meetings across 2 days DEC: Japan ITO sales calls and Christmas dinner - 5 directors and product managers DEC: Destination Sydney South Surrounds Symposium ​

2019 JAN:  Sydney Sales calls, Taiwan, Vietnam, Korea, Hong Kong, Japan and China  5 days  24 meetings FEB:  Lunar New Year, DJB/SHA hosts Korean and Chinese celebration dinners in Sydney, a total of 28 agencies attend. MAR: Grand Opening of Sydney No1 Vietnam Travel agency in Sydney- DJB speak and welcomes. MAR: DJB/SHA partner workshop, discuss trends and international developments APR:  Australian Tourism Exchange Perth May:  Overseas sales mission China(Kunming, Shanghai, Beijing ) Taiwan, Vietnam (Hanoi and HCM ) MAY:  DNSW Japan Workshop 2 days, 19 agents JUN:  DNSW -Tourism Australia Vivid famils across 6 countries JUN:  Korea Seoul Biggest consumer trade expo 90,000 retail attendees 3 days and additional sales calls JUN:  China ( Xiaman, Shanghai) Vietnam and Taiwan JUL:  Sydney Japan Ito sales call and presentation, design the New Sydney! JUL:  Tokyo and Osaka JTB Head Office Invitation, DNSW Tokyo Office Planning JUL:  Japanese Famil x 3 new agents to Jervis Bay AUG:  Melb Hotels and ITO sales meetings 4 days SEP:  Focus On China Sydney 3 day conference, 60 + meeting and following pre and post famils all hosted by DJB SEP:  Japanese Ito sales calls top 6 agencies SEP:  2 day Taiwanese Famil, 36 staff all Sydney and South Coast attraction, new itinerary planning OC:   Melb and Sydney hotel and ITO meeting across all markets NOV: Japan Famil overnight DJB, hosted and guided ​ NOTE: 2018/2019 was a record year for SHA/DJB handling over 110,000 international bookings across, Cairns, Gold Coast, Sydney, Jervis Bay and Melbourne for our product partners.

2018 JAN:   NSW Tourism Minister Dinner FEB:  Lunar New Year, DJB Hosted a dinner 16 Korean ITO and separately 14 China ITO MAR: Korean and Vietnamese Sydney Sales calls MAR: India Workshop hosted by DNSW, 16 ITO attend APR:  Shanghai Sales calls and Singapore, Malaysia - 9 days - 39 agencies APR:  Beijing, Chengdu and Seoul Korea and Vietnam Sales calls 12 days - 47 agencies MAY:  SYDNEY ITO, Vietnamese, Korean, Taiwan, China, Hong Kong MAY:  VIVID Sydney, DJB hosted a series of Japanese, Korea, Hong Kong, Indonesian, China and Taiwanese Famils JUN:  Korean Travel Expo Seoul 3 days 90.000 + retails visitors AUG:  Sydney ITO sales calls, 5 markets covered AUG:  Korean Travel Expo 2.5 days and further Korean wholesaler sales calls SEP:  China Sales Mission ( Shenzhen, Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, Chongqing ) Taiwan and Vietnam (Hanoi and HCM) OCT:  China ( Hunan, Shenzhen, Guangzhou ) Korea DNSW Mission Trade Show, China ( Xian and Chengdu )

2017 JAN:  DJB hosted Chinese New Year dinner - top 10 Sydney-based China ITO FEB:  Hosted Korean government delegation 3 days Sydney- Jervis Bay FEB:  Melb and Syd Inbound sales calls, covering 4 markets MAR: Sales Mission Taiwan and Korea - 36 agents across 5 days APR:  China Key agents famil to Jervis Bay and Surrounds- overnight JUN:  Series of International agents destination and attraction inspection on behalf DNSW VIVID. JUN:  Melb inbound sales calls AUG: China (Beijing ), Japan and Korea International sales calls across 14 days - 74 meetings. SEP:  China (Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Shanghai, Chengdu, Beijing ) and Vietnam OCT:  Hong Kong and Taiwan and Vietnam Sales Calls OCT:  DNSW CHINA Mission Hunan China NOV: Founding member of South West Sydney Tourism Task Force NOV: Xinhua News covers Jervis Bay live broadcast, Hong Kong, China and Taiwan NOV: Korea Retail Travel Expo, 80,000 + public in attendance

2016 JULY: DJB partner workshop, International market update hosted by DJB AUG:  Sales Mission China, (Guangzhou, Shanghai Beijing, Qingdao, Chongqing and Chengdu ) Seoul South Korea OCT:  Korea Travel Consumer Expo, 75,000 participants across 3 days plus additional wholesaler sales calls OCT:  Winner South Coast Tourism Awards, Discover Jervis Bay: Marketing and Promotions OCT:  Sydney Hotels and Attraction is founded and allows expansion to service clients, in Cairns, Gold Coast, Sydney and Melb. Specialising in Hotel Representation NOV:  DNSW Inbound workshop NOV:  Sydney and Gold Coast Inbound agents sales calls, SE Asia, China, Taiwan, Korea